Maharashtra Right to Public Services Act
The Maharashtra Right to Public Services Act, 2015 is enacted and is in force since 28.04.2015 to ensure that notified services are provided to the citizens in a transparent, speedy and time-bound manner by various Government Departments and Public Authorities under the Government. Its objective is to provide easy, prompt and time bound services to the citizens.
The Maharashtra State Commission for Right to Public Service has been constituted under the above Act to monitor, coordinate, control and improve the public services being provided by the Government. The Commission consists of a Chief Commissioner and six Commissioners. The headquarter of the Commission is at the New Administrative Building, Opposite Mantralaya, Mumbai and the Divisional Offices of the Commissioners are at the six Divisional Headquarters.
If any notified service is not provided to any eligible person within stipulated time or is rejected without proper grounds, the concerned person may file 1st and 2nd appeals with the higher authorities and if he is not satisfied with their decision, he may prefer third appeal to the Commission. The erring officer is liable for a penalty up to Rs 5000/- per case. Notified Services rendered by this Department are as per enclosed proforma.
Website of the Maharashtra State Commission for Right to Services is :-
- R.T.S. new GR dated 16/11/ 2024
- RTS GR On Dated 31 March 2012 ( Contains Forms and GR)
- Publicity and promotion of Maharashtra Right to Public Services Act 2015
- Maharashtra right to service Act 2015
- Maharashtra right to service Rules Gazette
- List of services notified under RTS act
- List of Aaple Sarkar Seva Kendra
Location : Collector Office | City : Nanded | PIN Code : 431601
Phone : 02462-237101 | Email : collector[dot]nanded[at]maharashtra[dot]gov[dot]in